by Pieter Booyens | Jun 1, 2017 | Trip Reports
Part Four – The Journey Back South This trip report is posted with recognition to the author, Frans Nieman, who granted us the permission to use his trip report on our page. Frans wrote …………. Time to move on. We left Senyati with heavy...
by Pieter Booyens | May 29, 2017 | Trip Reports
Part One – The First Leg This trip report is posted with recognition to the author, Frans Nieman, who granted us the permission to use his trip report on our page. Frans wrote …………. This is my first ever trip report, and English is not...
by Pieter Booyens | Aug 16, 2012 | General
During a visit to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in May 2012 we stopped over at the Khama Rhino Reserve in Botswana. Here we experienced first-hand how protective the Botswana authorities are about their rhinos. We (South Africa) can learn from them in this...
by Pieter Booyens | Dec 26, 2009 | Trip Reports
Ons Roete Die kaart hieronder gee die roete wat ons gevolg het. Ons is met die N1 noordwaarts tot by Mokopane waar ons weggedraai het met die N11 tot by die Martins Drift/Groblersbrug grenspos waar ons oor is na Botswana. DAG 1 (26 DESEMBER 2009) Die eerste dag van...
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